
You can display personalized leaderboards on a game page showing the top players' results and a logged-in user's place in the rankings.

For the requests below to work, make sure that:


If there's no leaderboard in the dashboard with the corresponding name in the Technical leaderboard name field, requests will return a 404 error.

You can use the lb object to manage leaderboards.

  1. Initialization
  2. Leaderboard description
  3. New score
  4. Getting a ranking
  5. Leaderboard entries


To initialize the lb object, use ysdk.getLeaderboards():

var lb;

  .then(_lb => lb = _lb);
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Leaderboard description

To get a description of a leaderboard by name, use getLeaderboardDescription:
  leaderboardName: string
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Parameter Description
leaderboardName Leaderboard name.
Parameter Description
leaderboardName Leaderboard name.
  .then(lb => lb.getLeaderboardDescription('leaderboard2021'))
  .then(res => console.log(res));
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Response format
  appID: string,
  default: boolean,
  description: {
    invert_sort_order: boolean,
    score_format: {
      options: {
        decimal_offset: integer
    type: string
  name: string,
  title: {
    en: string,
    ru: string
Parameter Description
appID Application ID.
default If true, then it is the primary leaderboard.
invert_sort_order Sort order:
  • false: rankings are sorted in descending order.
  • true: rankings are sorted in ascending order.

Length of the decimal portion of a score.

For example, when decimal_offset: 2 1234 will be displayed as 12.34.

type Leaderboard result type. Available parameters: numeric (number), time (seconds).
name Leaderboard name.
title Localized names. Legal array parameters: ru, en, be, uk, kk, uz, tr.
Parameter Description
appID Application ID.
default If true, then it is the primary leaderboard.
invert_sort_order Sort order:
  • false: rankings are sorted in descending order.
  • true: rankings are sorted in ascending order.

Length of the decimal portion of a score.

For example, when decimal_offset: 2 1234 will be displayed as 12.34.

type Leaderboard result type. Available parameters: numeric (number), time (seconds).
name Leaderboard name.
title Localized names. Legal array parameters: ru, en, be, uk, kk, uz, tr.

New score


The request is only available to logged-in users. If required, use authorization.

To check whether the method is available for the user, you can use the ysdk.isAvailableMethod('leaderboards.setLeaderboardScore') method. It returns Promise<Boolean>, where the boolean value indicates whether the method is available.

To set a new score for a player, use setLeaderboardScore():
  leaderboardName: string,
  score: number,
  extraData?: string
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Parameter Description
leaderboardName Leaderboard name.
score Score. Only the integer type is accepted. Must be greater than 0. If the leaderboard type is time, the values must be passed in milliseconds.
extraData User description. Optional.
Parameter Description
leaderboardName Leaderboard name.
score Score. Only the integer type is accepted. Must be greater than 0. If the leaderboard type is time, the values must be passed in milliseconds.
extraData User description. Optional.

Requests can't be sent more often than once per second. Otherwise, they will be rejected with an error.

  .then(lb => {
    // Without extraData
    lb.setLeaderboardScore('leaderboard2021', 120);
    // With extraData
    lb.setLeaderboardScore('leaderboard2021', 120, 'My favorite player!');
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Getting a ranking


The request is only available to logged-in users. If required, use authorization.

To check whether the method is available for the user, you can use the ysdk.isAvailableMethod('leaderboards.getLeaderboardPlayerEntry') method. It returns Promise<Boolean>, where the boolean value indicates whether the method is available.

To get a user's ranking, use getLeaderboardPlayerEntry:
  leaderboardName: string
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Parameter Description
leaderboardName Leaderboard name.
Parameter Description
leaderboardName Leaderboard name.
  .then(lb => lb.getLeaderboardPlayerEntry('leaderboard2021'))
  .then(res => console.log(res))
  .catch(err => {
    if (err.code === 'LEADERBOARD_PLAYER_NOT_PRESENT') {
      // Triggers if the leaderboard doesn't contain an entry for the player
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Response format
  score: integer,
  extraData: string,
  rank: integer,
  player: {
    getAvatarSrc: (size: string) => string,
    getAvatarSrcSet: (size: string) => string,
    lang: string,
    publicName: string,
    scopePermissions: {
      avatar: string,
      public_name: string
    uniqueID: string,
  formattedScore: string
Parameter Description
score Score. Only the integer type is accepted. Must be greater than 0. If the leaderboard type is time, the values must be passed in milliseconds.
extraData User description. Optional.
getAvatarSrc Returns the URL of a user's photo. Available values for size: small, medium, and large.
getAvatarSrcSet Returns a srcset of a user's photo that is suitable for Retina displays. Available values for size: small, medium, and large.
Parameter Description
score Score. Only the integer type is accepted. Must be greater than 0. If the leaderboard type is time, the values must be passed in milliseconds.
extraData User description. Optional.
getAvatarSrc Returns the URL of a user's photo. Available values for size: small, medium, and large.
getAvatarSrcSet Returns a srcset of a user's photo that is suitable for Retina displays. Available values for size: small, medium, and large.

Leaderboard entries

To display user rankings, use getLeaderboardEntries:
  leaderboardName: string,
    includeUser: boolean,
    quantityAround: integer,
    quantityTop: integer
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Parameter Description
leaderboardName Leaderboard name.
includeUser Defines whether to include the logged-in user in the response:
  • true: include in the response.
  • false (default): do not include.
quantityAround Number of entries to return below and above the user in the leaderboard. The minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 10. The default is 5.
quantityTop Number of entries from the top of the leaderboard. The minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 20. The default is 5.
Parameter Description
leaderboardName Leaderboard name.
includeUser Defines whether to include the logged-in user in the response:
  • true: include in the response.
  • false (default): do not include.
quantityAround Number of entries to return below and above the user in the leaderboard. The minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 10. The default is 5.
quantityTop Number of entries from the top of the leaderboard. The minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 20. The default is 5.
  .then(lb => {
    // Using all defaults
      .then(res => console.log(res));
    // Getting the top 10
    lb.getLeaderboardEntries('leaderboard2021', { quantityTop: 10 })
      .then(res => console.log(res));
    // Returning the top 10 and 3 entries on either side of the user
    lb.getLeaderboardEntries('leaderboard2021', { quantityTop: 10, includeUser: true, quantityAround: 3 })
      .then(res => console.log(res));
Copied to clipboard
Response format
  leaderboard: {
  ranges: [
      start: integer,
      size: integer
  userRank: integer,
  entries: [
      score: integer,
      extraData: string,
      rank: integer,
      player: {
        getAvatarSrc: (size: string) => string,
        getAvatarSrcSet: (size: string) => string,
        lang: string,
        publicName: string,
        scopePermissions: {
          avatar: string,
          public_name: string
        uniqueID: string,
    formattedScore: string
Parameter Description
leaderboard Leaderboard description.
ranges Ranking ranges in the response.
start Placement in the rankings. The count starts at 0, so 1st place is considered the 0th element.
size Number of entries requested. If there isn't enough data, the number returned may not be the number requested.
userRank User's rank. Returns 0 if none or if the request is for the top of the table without including the user.
entries Requested entries.
score Score. Only the integer type is accepted. Must be greater than 0. If the leaderboard type is time, the values must be passed in milliseconds.
extraData User description. Optional.
getAvatarSrc Returns the URL of a user's photo. Available values for size: small, medium, and large.
getAvatarSrcSet Returns a srcset of a user's photo that is suitable for Retina displays. Available values for size: small, medium, and large.
Parameter Description
leaderboard Leaderboard description.
ranges Ranking ranges in the response.
start Placement in the rankings. The count starts at 0, so 1st place is considered the 0th element.
size Number of entries requested. If there isn't enough data, the number returned may not be the number requested.
userRank User's rank. Returns 0 if none or if the request is for the top of the table without including the user.
entries Requested entries.
score Score. Only the integer type is accepted. Must be greater than 0. If the leaderboard type is time, the values must be passed in milliseconds.
extraData User description. Optional.
getAvatarSrc Returns the URL of a user's photo. Available values for size: small, medium, and large.
getAvatarSrcSet Returns a srcset of a user's photo that is suitable for Retina displays. Available values for size: small, medium, and large.


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