
To view your game metrics, use the Metrics tab in the Yandex Games dashboard. Metric graphs are divided into two sections: Product metrics and Monetization metrics.

To view metrics for a specific device type (desktop computers, mobile devices, or TVs), use the filter by device type (All, Desktop, Mobile, or TV).

The category lines on the graphs show the metric value for the most popular games in each category.

Product metrics

Metric Description
Play time The total number of minutes per day that players spent in the game.

The total number of unique players per day and new players per day.

New players are players who launched the game for the first time on a given day.

Play time per player The average time in minutes that a player spent in the game in one day.
Day 1 retention The percentage of players who returned to the game the day after they first launched it.
Day 3 retention The percentage of players who returned to the game on the third day after they first launched it.
Week 2 retention The percentage of players who returned to the game during the second week after they first launched it.
Metric Description
Play time The total number of minutes per day that players spent in the game.

The total number of unique players per day and new players per day.

New players are players who launched the game for the first time on a given day.

Play time per player The average time in minutes that a player spent in the game in one day.
Day 1 retention The percentage of players who returned to the game the day after they first launched it.
Day 3 retention The percentage of players who returned to the game on the third day after they first launched it.
Week 2 retention The percentage of players who returned to the game during the second week after they first launched it.

Monetization metrics

Metric Description
Sticky impressions per player The average number of sticky banner impressions per player per day.
Interstitial impressions per player The average number of fullscreen block impressions per player per day.
Rewarded impressions per player The average number of rewarded impressions per player per day.
Number of in-app purchases The total number of in-game purchases per day.
Metric Description
Sticky impressions per player The average number of sticky banner impressions per player per day.
Interstitial impressions per player The average number of fullscreen block impressions per player per day.
Rewarded impressions per player The average number of rewarded impressions per player per day.
Number of in-app purchases The total number of in-game purchases per day.